Q: How to auto update from Indoline server ?

A: Whenever auto update release from imos indoline , imos support will mail you .In regular Updates we sent the data of created New Catalogue and Articles, New Materials, Edges, Connectors, etc.

These updates are auto-update for download and can be easily installed/import on the start-up of organizer automatically in your system. At that time your internet connection must be remained connected.

Q: How long can I work in offline mode ?

You can work in offline mode up to 13 days from last internet connectivity. So you must be connected your system with internet on 14th day or before that .

Q: If I don’t connect till 14th day with internet, what will happen?

A: Your access to imos plan by offline will be locked. But as soon as you will connect your system with internet and log into imos plan, it will get activated.

Q: How can I push order to Indoline factory?

A: Whenever your designing is complete and order is finalized customer end .you can push your order to Indoline factory for production. Follow the below steps.

  • Just go to organizer and select the order and click on export order data.cap17.jpg

  • after that you will pop up the message ‘are you sure you want to export this data? Yes/no cap18.jpg

  • Click on yes.

  • After order export you will see the export file type is change cap19.jpg

Q: Can I update the order after exporting to factory?

A: It is not recommended at all.

Yet, if you press YES, you can open your order in local system, you can update the changes but can save only in “Save As” mode. In that case this revised order will attract new order number. if you will export this order again to factory, factory will be have two orders in their server.

Hence recommended to press “NO” button only.

Q: How can I change my order after it’s exported to the factory?

A: Once order is exported to the factory, you only have to co-ordinate with factory people for needful guidelines.